Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Last Stand for Children First: An Interview with Congressman Kimble on Wisconsin Union Riots #wisolidarity #wiunion

Last Stand for Children First: An Interview with Congressman Kimble on Wisconsin Union Riots

An Interview with Congressman Kimble on Wisconsin Union Riots

I’ve been hoping to put an interview with Congressman Jack Kimble (R-CA) up on the site for awhile now. As you may know, Congressman Kimble is Last Stand for Children First’s Honorary Director. What you may not know is that Congressman Jack was the only member of Congress to attend the tea party counter rallies in Madison, WI. You can read about his travels and the gut-wrenching sacrifices his courageous band of heroes faced to help spread the cause of freedom at the following links:

Myron Miner: Thank you for agreeing to this interview Congressman. I know you have a busy schedule, so I'll get right to the point. Are you really calling what's going on in Madison a riot?

Jack Kimble: Thank you Myron. What I saw in Wisconsin will forever haunt me. As we walked with our signs I could see the harsh looks that many of the union protesters gave me and I must say, even if they weren't rioting in the streets, they were most certainly rioting in their minds.

MM: That had to be hard for you. What was the worst moment for you.?

JK: On Saturday, we were driven inside by a ferocious blizzard. We went to a local Denny's and the chicken noodle soup I ordered was luke warm and watery. I drank it anyway and I was happy to have it. Once those