Wednesday, February 2, 2011

J.P. McCaskey – A School Divided « Being Latino Online Magazine

J.P. McCaskey – A School Divided « Being Latino Online Magazine

J.P. McCaskey – A School Divided

by Ryan Almodovar

Those who have read my articles may have noticed that I am pretty attached to my city, Lancaster, PA – the only city that has total coverage by cameras on every corner and an Amish market that sells empanadas (Pot pie and arroz con gandules is an amazing combo – just trust me). Not surprisingly, this hometown boy also happens to be pretty attached to his alma mater – J.P. McCaskey High School. What sets my old school apart, besides the fact that I once graced their hallways, is the fact that it is the most diverse school in the area – all races, religions, and all kinds of people learn and grow here. This diversity is one of the best things this school has going for it, and the lessons I learned as a result have been invaluable in my life. So