Tuesday, February 1, 2011

An evening with Diane Ravitch, champion of public schools | DeFENSE

An evening with Diane Ravitch, champion of public schools | DeFENSE

An evening with Diane Ravitch, champion of public schools

Plan to attend An Evening With Diane Ravitch, moderated By Eli Stokols of Fox31 News. You will not want to miss the chance to hear the author of “The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice are Undermining Education.”

In her latest book, distinguished education scholar and former proponent of the federal No Child Left Behind Act Diane Ravitch raises concerns over testing mania and school choice. In the process, she is reframing the national debate over the best ways to improve our nation’s public schools.

From 1991 to 1993, she was Assistant Secretary of Education and Counselor to Secretary of Education Lamar Alexander in the administration of President George

Dear Nate: do you know about the problems at Rachel B. Noel?

No, probably not. But here is an inside report for your information. It came in from one of our parent organizers.

I feel that people gathering recall signatures need to know that:

  • Nate Easley or any other board members did not visit Rachel B. Noel last fall, even when our Open House was posted on the DPS website, and when it was well known that we had just begun implementing a federal turnaround grant. Wouldn’t the president of the school board want to know what’s going on at a school before he or she voted for sweeping changes?
  • DPS’s solution for co-locating three schools in this building is to divide the RBN library, a focal point of the building, into classrooms! Has Nate Easely or any of the board members he leads seen the plans? Do they agree with the plan to completely phase out the library?