Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Daily Kos: A terrible reality

Daily Kos: A terrible reality

A terrible reality

Normally on a Tuesday you would find me writing about the words of Derrick Jackson, or Eugene Robinson or Bob Herbert. All have worthy columns, and today Bob Herbert's words speak directly to the condition I and many other public employees face. Yet this morning I find I must write about something else.

Yesterday evening I went to Annapolis, along with the leadership of the Prince George's County Education Association and some other building representatives to lobby the County's state legislative delegation on teacher pensions, and more. It was frustrating, because while most were sympathetic, they have to choose whom to screw - they have to balance budgets. Absent significant new revenue, the only way to get to a balanced budget is to make even more cuts - for 5 yeara in a row seeking to reduce expenditures by a billion dollars, even as the