Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Common sense needed in school reform | Superior Telegram | Superior, Wisconsin

Common sense needed in school reform | Superior Telegram | Superior, Wisconsin

Common sense needed in school reform

School reform and changes has been a revolving door for decades throughout the United States. We have had changes in all of the subject areas with the areas of math and reading taking most of the hits.

School reform and changes has been a revolving door for decades throughout the United States. We have had changes in all of the subject areas with the areas of math and reading taking most of the hits. In fact, as one innovation follows another or the next reform replaces the last, it has happened so often that I have had teachers comment about undergoing a certain amount of stress. One staff member called it “Reform Fatigue,” which I think is one of the best ways to describe it.

Ironically years later, when listening to a presentation by Diane Ravitch, she used the same words. Ravitch is the author of the book, “The Death and Life of the American School System,” and the same words were in her book.

Since reform keeps rotating so quickly within one to five years, what is the problem? We, as a