Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Class Struggle - Rhee's response to blogger's allegations

Class Struggle - Rhee's response to blogger's allegations

Rhee's response to blogger's allegations

By Washington Post editors

Michelle Rhee's advocacy group, StudentsFirst, on Wednesday eveningissued a statement challenging blogger G.F. Brandenburg's account of her record as a Baltimore school teacher. The entire statement appears below:

"A Response to the Unfounded Attacks on Michelle Rhee
Our schools are in crisis. Instead of talking about how to fix them, we're getting unfounded attacks on Michelle. To get back to the debate about public schools, we want to address this misinformation head-on.
A blogger has posted some error-laden numbers, based on a 1995 study, claiming that Michelle was not an effective teacher. A couple of mainstream journalists have picked up and re-broadcast this storyline