Thursday, February 10, 2011

Charter Voucher Charlatans Now Advocating AIG Style Derivatives | Dissident Voice

Charter Voucher Charlatans Now Advocating AIG Style Derivatives | Dissident Voice

Charter Voucher Charlatans Now Advocating AIG Style Derivatives

The education industry represents, in our opinion, the final frontier of a number of sectors once under public control… represents the largest market opportunity… the K-12 market is the Big Enchilada.

– Montgomery Securities prospectus quoted in Jonathan Kozol’s “The Big Enchilada

If we ever needed more evidence that the entire charter-voucher charade is about market share and money making, Expand a Proven Finance Solution for All Charter Schools, by Ricardo Mireles, the well heeled Executive Director of Academia Avance, provides us with clear insight.

In the piece Mr. Mireles, without any regard to the fact that he’s discussing public money, advocates “sell[ing] our state receivables to private companies.” Let’s bear in mind that the state receivables that Mireles refers to is our tax dollars. The last thing the public needs is unelected boards of privatized charter schools gambling with our hard earned tax dollars in cockamamy schemes smacking of the exotic mortgage derivatives market that crashed the economy and made a handful of Wall Street plutocrats even more rich.

By and large, nearly all charter schools (charter schools are schools that take public money, but are run by