Thursday, February 17, 2011

Call for Applications: NEH Summer Seminar: Varieties of American Feminism, 1830-1930 « Feminist Teacher

Call for Applications: NEH Summer Seminar: Varieties of American Feminism, 1830-1930 « Feminist Teacher

Call for Applications: NEH Summer Seminar: Varieties of American Feminism, 1830-1930

Sojourner Truth

The following is a guest post from Elisabeth Israels Perry, who is the John Francis Bannon, SJ, Professor, Emeritus at Saint Louis University in Saint Louis, MO. A specialist in American women’s history, Perry will be offering an NEH seminar for teachers called Varieties of American Feminism, 1830-1930 this summer. I invited Perry to share more about the scope of the seminar and how to apply. The deadline is March 1.

Hello feminist teachers! My name is Elisabeth Israels Perry, and I’m an Emeritus Professor of History and Women’s Studies at Saint Louis University. This coming summer, I’m directing a seminar for teachers called“Varieties of American Feminism, 1830-1930,” which is sponsored by the National Endowment for the