Monday, February 7, 2011

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now
Monday, Feb. 07, 2011

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now - Egan-Chin/News Mayor Bloomberg and NYC Schools Chancellor Cathie Black (c.) attend Sunday church service at Christian Cultural Center. "This is not democracy, letting people yell and scream." No, t...

leoniehaimson - Several dozen higher education reporters from around the nation gathered Friday and Saturday in the serenely quiet coastal city of St. Petersburg (motto: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.) to discuss academia, the ch...

leoniehaimson - 'How do you teach first-graders to read without books?' By Lauren Roth, Orlando Sentinel 4:41 p.m. EST, February 5, 2011os-charter-school-troubles-orange-20110205 Imani Elementary Charter Academy p...

DianeRavitch - The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as being potentially offensive or inappropriate. Viewer discretion is advised. Please confirm that you wish to view this video. Th...

DianeRavitch - Yes, Really.“9 out of what?!” I yelled out in the middle of a spoken word competition after I vehemently disagreed with both the poets and audience who sought it fit to give a tawdry poem about cit...


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coopmike48 Eduwonk » Blog Archive » Double Option? - minutes ago · reply

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coopmike48 This Week In Education: AM News: Governors Threatening Education Cuts #Edu6 minutes ago · reply

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coopmike48 Indiana raises ‘highly effective’ bar — Joanne Jacobs - minutes ago · reply

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coopmike48 National Journal Online -- Education Experts -- A Question of Vouchers #Edu4 minutes ago · reply






coopmike48 - I recently wrote about and detailed the growing momentum, as the Rochester Teachers Association (RTA) moved ahead with a vote of no confidence in Rochester Superintendent Jean-Claude Brizard. The r...

leoniehaimson - Cathie Black is lost in Queens. Her day had started well, with the Pledge of Allegiance at a Coney Island elementary school, then a brisk walking tour of one of the city’s best middle schools, Mark...

leoniehaimson - Monday, January 31, 2011The ducks are lining up for an Elementary and Secondary Education Act rewrite. President Obama devoted a big chunk of his State of the Union address to education, asking for...

leoniehaimson - Attack ads begin in mayor’s race By Abdon M. Pallasch Political Reporter Feb 6, 2011 02:42AM The attack ads have begun in the race for mayor of Chicago. Former school board c...

mikeklonsky - Mayoral candidate Rahm Emanuel. (Jose M. Osorio/Tribune) 3:48 p.m. CST, February 4, 2011ct-20110204-mayoral-endorsement Chicagoans are hiring their next mayor, a job that in this city comes open, w...

mikeklonsky - If you want proof that America is a conservative country, Ronald Reagan provides it. Once seen as a reactionary nincompoop, he's probably the most respected president of the last 50 years. Highways...

mikeklonsky - I rarely quote at length from a blog or news article, but I think this time I'll break my rule. I first met Mel Riddile a few years ago when we co-presented at a conference. Since then we stay in t...

coopmike48 - By Susan O'Doherty February 6, 2011 4:53 pm EST Frank Plantan objected to last week’s post, stating,I thought at first that your worries were that [my son] overstayed his visit to his girlfriend’s ...

coopmike48 - The above poster, and more, can be found at Just Seeds Artist Cooperative.Michael Bloomberg thinks he’s Hosni Mubarak and Brooklyn is Liberation Square. Maybe he’s right.Oy. Can’t we leave Ronald R...

Photos1 - Tea is more than just a beverage to Koreans. The warmth and pleasant aromas of traditional Korean tea gives people feelings of contentment and happiness, in part by clearing the mind and providing ...

coopmike48 - Published at 1:01 pm, February 6, 2011 The city of New York’s health department is reporting three confirmed cases of cholera from New Yorkers that recently traveled to the Dominican Republic for a...

coopmike48 - says single men want kids more than women. In a new survey performed by leading dating site, results show that single men want to have children more than single women. Twenty-fo...

coopmike48 - NASA released the first ever image that shows the entire sun in a 360-degree view. (Credit: NASA) The panoramic picture of the sun at the top of this page constitutes the first ever 360-degree view...

coopmike48 - Published at 4:02 pm, February 6, 2011 Photo Credits: Progress 2050 Progress 2050 is a project of the Center for American Progress that develops new ideas for an increasingly diverse America. The U...

coopmike48 - The quaint image of a "Gone Fishin" sign hung from a door handle could very soon be replaced by a "Fish Gone" sign unless more sustainable fishing practices are adopted worldwide. Fish consumption ...
