Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ben Velderman. You’ve seen mine. Can I see yours? « Fred Klonsky's blog

Ben Velderman. You’ve seen mine. Can I see yours? « Fred Klonsky's blog

Ben Velderman. You’ve seen mine. Can I see yours?

A couple of weeks ago, Ben Velderman of the Michigan-based union hating Education Action Group, filed aIlinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for all my work emails.

Today, they get the emails that they requested.

Fascinating reading. Paint supply orders. Department meeting schedules. Cold weather procedures. Field trip reminders. Meeting schedules. Meeting schedules. Did I say meeting schedules?

Pretty radical stuff.

But here’s my deal. Now that Ben Velderman has my emails, do I get to see his? I mean, what does he have to