Thursday, February 10, 2011

ASCD Inservice: What Role Should Administrators Play in Teacher Collaboration?

ASCD Inservice: What Role Should Administrators Play in Teacher Collaboration?

What Role Should Administrators Play in Teacher Collaboration?

Canter-c120x148Formerly a teacher, now an administrator-in-training, Chris Canter blogs about his yearlong assistant principal internship at Fulton County Public Schools in Atlanta, Ga.

Snow days, testing preparation, and lack of sleep all point to one thing: second semester is upon us! For me that means a third school placement, with an opportunity to learn even more about the role of an assistant principal.

In January, I came to Dunwoody Springs Elementary School in Sandy Springs, Ga., where I will spend 9 weeks. There are so many interesting dynamics to the school, but one thing I have noticed stands apart--the exciting, collaborative atmosphere.

I have observed the Curriculum Support Teacher in action, helping identify areas of development and support for teachers, and providing them with resources to more effectively reach students. I have also observed several grade level