Wednesday, February 16, 2011

As Wisconsin Budget Protests Intensify, Governor Claims Victory « Student Activism

As Wisconsin Budget Protests Intensify, Governor Claims Victory « Student Activism

As Wisconsin Budget Protests Intensify, Governor Claims Victory

Protests against a proposed Wisconsin state budget that would slash faculty pay, eliminate university unions, and dramatically scale back other state employees’ collective bargaining rights continue to heat up today, as Governor Scott Walker tells the Associated Press that he has the votes to pass his bill.

Highlights of the last 24 hours’ developments:

  • As many as ten thousand activists demonstrated against the governor’s plan at the state capitol yesterday.
  • A state senate committee hearing on the bill dragged on until the early hours of this morning, with citizen testimony continuing even after Republican members of the committee finally went home at three o’clock.
  • Several hundred demonstrators remained in the capitol rotunda all night long — some waiting to speak at