Monday, January 3, 2011

This Week In Education: Events: Union Summit Set For Mid-February

This Week In Education: Events: Union Summit Set For Mid-February

Events: Union Summit Set For Mid-February

340x_appleThe USDE just announced it's going to hold its union-management summit in mid-February, in Denver -- supported by the Ford Foundation rather than Gates or Broad, you may be happy to hear. Details from the release are below. Readers will recall that the event was first announced during the weeks leading up to the midterm elections when it seemed like things were really falling apart in terms of Obama- union relations (Are They Stepping Back From The Brink?, Labor Summit In Early 2011). What do you think -- will anyone go, will any good come of it?

Conference on Labor-Management Collaboration Set for Denver

School Board Presidents, Superintendents and Union Leaders Invited

School districts and labor leaders from across the country have been invited to attend a federally sponsored conference in Denver on Feb. 15 and 16 to identify ways that collaborative labor-management relationships, policies and agreements can more directly drive student achievement.

Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said, “We have seen how good labor-management relations can create the