Friday, January 7, 2011

solidaridad: Responding to questions of teacher evaluation and performance

solidaridad: Responding to questions of teacher evaluation and performance

Responding to questions of teacher evaluation and performance

"Our public schools need to be in the control of parents and the community, as opposed to businessmen who see the $23 billion budget as a means to giving no-bid contracts to their cronies." — Charles Barron (Brooklyn City Councilman)

CMO Corporate Charters discriminate against SWD, Special Ed, and ELL students!
Today a reader wrote me asking the following:

I am in a debate with a friend of improving teacher evaluations and teacher performance as a necessary political move for UTLA. She sent me these to pdfs from stanford [1]. Do you know this Stanford program at all? Or any of the folks, like the Milken institue or Stuart Foundation?

First off, it is entirely disingenuous of the corporate reform crowd to assert that UTLA (or any teachers' union for that matter) aren't interested in improving evaluations and performance. You