Monday, January 3, 2011

Schools Matter: Zuck Collects $50 Billion from Goldman Sachs to Keep Panopticon in the Private Hands of the Morally Insane

Schools Matter: Zuck Collects $50 Billion from Goldman Sachs to Keep Panopticon in the Private Hands of the Morally Insane

Zuck Collects $50 Billion from Goldman Sachs to Keep Panopticon in the Private Hands of the Morally Insane

In the old days, they called them morally insane. Today we call them sociopaths and give them billions of dollars if their manipulations and grandiosity can help corporate advertisers predict and control human behavior. Privacy? Bah. Who needs it if we can pretend we have dozens or even hundreds of friends? Ooh, you like Coke Zero--me, too!!

Here is a clip of Zuckerberg sweating out an answer to a question about privacy issues and his sociopathic enterprise: