Friday, January 21, 2011

Schools Matter: Will a Koch Brothers Handout Save John Tedesco's House?

Schools Matter: Will a Koch Brothers Handout Save John Tedesco's House?

Will a Koch Brothers Handout Save John Tedesco's House?

It's been quite a week for Little John. On MLK Day, the same day Raleigh's mayor and North Carolina's governor were attending a Martin Luther King Prayer breakfast and calling out Tedesco and the Gang of Five as "way off track," Tedesco was appearing on Fox Business Network, where he defended the re-segregation school policy as good business.
. . . Tedesco told Gerri Willis of the Willis Report that the decision is primarily a "money-saving issue."

"We spend $72 million a year on a fleet of 925 buses for transportation... We spend a lot of time getting 5 and 6-year-old kids on bus stops at 5:30, 6:30 in the morning on one side of the county to commute an hour to the other side of the county with 10 kids on a bus here and 10 kids on a