Saturday, January 22, 2011

Schools Matter: The State of the Union's Schools

Schools Matter: The State of the Union's Schools

The State of the Union's Schools

While everyone knows that Barack Obama's State of the Union speech is likely to continue to push for the agenda that we've been facing in Race to the Top — privatization, more testing and test based "accountability," Arne Duncan's meanderings, more charter schools, and the other policies that have taken the nation's public schools further towards ruin than anything imagined when George W. Bush was President — we can at least try an imaginary alternative. Hence, the following wording from a State of the Union speech that we won't hear (at least not from the current President of the United States). --George Schmidt, Editor, Substance News

The State of the Union’s Schools: That Part of Mr. Obama’s Speech We Would Like to Hear But Won’t
Jim Horn

. . . . And now I would like to turn to a subject that all of us, including myself, love