Thursday, January 13, 2011

Schools Matter: Listen for That Wheeze in the Ed Reform Engine

Schools Matter: Listen for That Wheeze in the Ed Reform Engine

Listen for That Wheeze in the Ed Reform Engine

From Anthony Cody, posted at WaPo:
. . . . It is, in fact, inevitable that this test-driven reform will fail. It will fail because it cannot deliver on its lofty promises. The only reason the project totters forward is because of the steadfast sponsorship by an alliance of billionaires and the politicians and policymakers they employ, directly and indirectly.

The challenge for those of us who see that these emperors and empresses of reform are naked is to stay clear on our own vision of what school should be, and continue to call it out. Continue to speak the truth, and shame those who claim to have all the answers. And we must work with