Sunday, January 16, 2011

School Tech Connect: Pat Quinn on Jobs and Taxes

School Tech Connect: Pat Quinn on Jobs and Taxes

Pat Quinn on Jobs and Taxes

I haven't turned on a television in over a year, I'm happy to say, so I don't know the extent to which the media is terrifying the populace over the the recent tax hike in here in the Prairie State. But my guess is that they're probably going to spend some time pushing the "job-killing" meme that works so well for them out in Aurora, or wherever. Job-kill, job-kill, job-kill. Tax-cut, tax-cut, tax-cut. Guns, guns, guns. Obamacare, Obamacare, Obamacare. It's a fugue.

(I pick on Aurora because of my family's deep connection to that many-storied town.)

Fortunately, my man in Springfield is on the case--- he made it down to Governor Pat Quinn's presser after the