Thursday, January 13, 2011

School Tech Connect: Mike Jacobs In Springfield--- Look In The Mirror!

School Tech Connect: Mike Jacobs In Springfield--- Look In The Mirror!

Mike Jacobs In Springfield--- Look In The Mirror!

This is Sen. Mike Jacobs, Democrat from Moline, doing what needs to be done, which is to say this: he's ripping the Republicans a new one. Sorry for obsessing on Illinois' problems lately, but if you look around the state legislatures and the balance sheets, this fight in Springfield is just an early version of what will play out sooner or later in every other state.

If you care about schools, "reform," "21st century skills," kids, learning, or really anything even remotely connected to this blog, you have to know that "being at the the table" means paying attention to guys like Mike Jacobs--- guys who have the brass to stand up to the cut-cut-cut people and say, "Look in the mirror." Mike Jacobs is at the table, totally taking responsibility for the inertia of the people who were there long, long before he ever got to Springfield.

(Illinois just passes a temporary tax hike to plug the gap in funding its current obligations, so that we