Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ruth Bloom’s swipe on way out | Thoughts on Public Education

Ruth Bloom’s swipe on way out | Thoughts on Public Education

Ruth Bloom’s swipe on way out

State Board criticizes battles among fiefdoms
By John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

Saying she is “a bit disheartened” after seven years on the State Board of Education, Board Vice President Ruth Bloom exited this week with stinging criticism of the Department of Education and the Legislature and strong advice to her successors.

“The reality is, is that there is no cooperation among the various fiefdoms in Sacramento,” she said in prepared remarks at the start of the State Board meeting Wednesday. “…the Legislature doesn’t want anything to do with the Board of Education except to encourage us to pass a pet project, or to make the regulations (written by the mostly arrogant staff of the