Friday, January 7, 2011

Research-based policy attacks on class size « Failing Schools

Research-based policy attacks on class size « Failing Schools

Research-based policy attacks on class size

JANUARY 7, 2011
by markfriedman1

EdWeek republished this article from the Dallas Morning News about the research-based attacks on class size in Texas. The aticle seems to be filled with the findings of “experts” and “research” that attempts to rhetorically minimize the effects of class room size on student learning. Due to curiosity on student views, I read this article with a class I was working with yesterday morning. We then took an informal verbal survey and, overwhelmingly, students recommended lower class sizes as a main factor in any attempt to help them achieve and learn more. When I brought up the question of teacher quality in relation to class room size they quickly pointed out, in disapproval, that the article quotes a Texas superintendent who says,

A bad teacher with 15 students is just as bad as with 25 students.

Students in the class were frustrated that the article did not talk about the effect of class room size