Monday, January 31, 2011

Queens Teacher: Principal Responds to Bloombucks' Lies

Queens Teacher: Principal Responds to Bloombucks' Lies

Principal Responds to Bloombucks' Lies

From Education Notes Online

As a practicing Catholic and proud union man I find it despicable that Bloomberg stoops to showing up regularly at Christian churches to to speak lies about the Teacher's union. Let him spill that nonsense somewhere other than in the House of God.

With over 20 years experience as both a teacher and principal I have the developed the greatest respect for the teachers who work in my school and District. If teachers do a poor job it is the job of their principals to write them up, get them the proper support and training and if they do not work out: get rid of them through progressive discipline.

It is not half as difficult for a competent principal to get rid of incompetent teachers as the media would have you