Thursday, January 13, 2011

Queens Teacher: Obama's Failed Education Policies & Promises

Queens Teacher: Obama's Failed Education Policies & Promises

Obama's Failed Education Policies & Promises

Obama on Education -- A-Plus Values, F-Minus Policies

When Barack Obama was elected president in 2008, many of the nation's 7.2 million teachers sighed in relief, convinced that the Bush-era education policies were over. After all, Obama was a smart man who seemed to really "get" what education was about. Educators thought he understood the need for wiser funding, as well as the futility of constant high-stakes standardized testing. The soon-to-be president said, "We could have made a real commitment to a world-class education for our kids, but instead we passed 'No Child Left Behind', a law that ... left the money behind and alienated teachers and principals instead of inspiring them."

As a candidate, Obama did inspire. He planned to hold all individuals equally accountable for their part in the