Monday, January 10, 2011

Once Uno Once — Eleven One Eleven — At the University of Puerto Rico « Student Activism

Once Uno Once — Eleven One Eleven — At the University of Puerto Rico « Student Activism

Once Uno Once — Eleven One Eleven — At the University of Puerto Rico

Administrators and students at the University of Puerto Rico have been locked in struggle for weeks now over a planned tuition increase, with a student strike largely bringing operations to a halt before the Christmas break.

Officials have announced that they intend to re-open the university tomorrow, January 11, and student leaders have announced that they intend to resist that attempt.

Activists posted the above video on YouTube yesterday, articulating their vision for UPR. They titled it “Once Uno Once” — Eleven One Eleven — in reference both to tomorrow’s date and to the university’s status as one institution made up of eleven campuses.

The video is in Spanish, but you can follow along with an English-language translation by clicking the Closed