Wednesday, January 19, 2011

NYC Public School Parents: If they would only listen to teachers....

NYC Public School Parents: If they would only listen to teachers....

If they would only listen to teachers....

As LouAnne Johnson, teacher and author of “Dangerous Minds” once wrote, “When classes are small enough to allow individual student-teacher interaction, a minor miracle occurs: Teachers teach and students learn.”

Yet in in NYC and nationwide, several very different theories of “individualized” instruction have been tried and failed: small schools (even though teaching and learning happen in classrooms, not in hallways or offices); and then intensive data analysis, via teacher “data inquiry teams,” (ditto).

Now online learning is expanding rapidly, with the claim that it will allow for more “personalized” instruction, even though a real live teacher person is being replaced with a machine.

Meanwhile, class sizes continue to grow each day, with policymakers and so-called “experts” denying that this