Friday, January 14, 2011

The No Confidence Vote « Failing Schools

The No Confidence Vote « Failing Schools

The No Confidence Vote

JANUARY 14, 2011
by markfriedman1

In the last month, the teacher’s union in Rochester, New York, the Rochester Teacher’s Association (RTA) has built up to and started the process for a vote of no confidence in the Rochester City School District Superintendent, Jean-Claude Brizard.

Superintendent Jean-Claude Brizard

The build up to this has been a long time coming, as rank-and-file teachers within schools have long expressed frustration with the none too subtle hostility and disregard received from Brizard’s administration, policies, andoverall agenda. As a Broad Superintendent’s Academy alumniBrizard has brought the Broad-agenda into Rochester wholesale.

Having been within schools and reached out to the community locally I have communicated extensively with teachers, parents, and