Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Naomi Wolf Admits Errors in Her Assange “Dating Police” Op-Ed. So Why Hasn’t She Corrected Them? « Student Activism

Naomi Wolf Admits Errors in Her Assange “Dating Police” Op-Ed. So Why Hasn’t She Corrected Them? « Student Activism

Naomi Wolf Admits Errors in Her Assange “Dating Police” Op-Ed. So Why Hasn’t She Corrected Them?

On December 7, Naomi Wolf posted an op-ed at the Huffington Post entitled “Julian Assange Captured By World’s Dating Police.” In it, she declared as fact that Assange stood “accused of having consensual sex with two women,” and that “both alleged victims are … upset that he began dating a second woman while still being in a relationship with the first.”

Wolf’s ostensible source for these claims was an article in Britain’s Daily Mail newspaper. That article, however, made it clear that its characterization of the accusers’ motives was only surmise:

“How must Sarah have felt to discover that the man she’d taken to her bed three days before had already taken up with another woman? Furious? Jealous? Out for revenge? Perhaps she merely felt aggrieved for a