Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lisa Nielsen: Wanted: School Leader. No Educational Experience Required.

Lisa Nielsen: Wanted: School Leader. No Educational Experience Required.

Across the nation a growing trend in ed reform has taken hold in places like Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, Seattle, Sacramento, New York, and most recently New Jersey. Non-educators are being considered as top candidates to lead schools. The fresh perspective and super management skills are often cited as justification for this approach. Most recently, in New York City, Mayor Michael Bloomberg steamrolled Cathie Black into the system as the new chancellor seeming to give little credence to the concern educators and parents had regarding her lack of educational credentials. Black addresses this concern following the recommendation of Jonathan Raymond, the non-educator school leader from Sacramento who advises a listening tour will help prepare her for the challenge. In her first direct public outreach to staff it seems she followed his advice sharing that she's visited more than 20 schools and says,

"I'm seeing what makes an effective classroom, what makes a great school leader, and how a