Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Is Washington State government trying to jump on the ed reform bandwagon of failure? | Seattle Education 2010

Is Washington State government trying to jump on the ed reform bandwagon of failure? | Seattle Education 2010

Is Washington State government trying to jump on the ed reform bandwagon of failure?

Two recent attempts by WA state government to subvert democracy in order to push an ed reform agenda are cause for alarm.

Two eyebrow-raising news items out of Olympia strongly imply that Governor Gregoire and Co. may be positioning our state to turn some tricks yet again for “Race to the Top” bribery funding.

Both involve bypassing the democratic process. This is the M.O. of many corporate ed reformers. Mayoral control of school districts is the desired scenario of top-down, anti-democratic ed reformers like Eli Broad, Michael Bloomberg and others. [See sidebar: Power grabs: the M.O. of Ed Reformers]

In the first example, Gov. Gregoire recently proposed eliminating the democratically elected State