Thursday, January 13, 2011

Is k-12 more important than higher ed in Georgia? | Get Schooled

Is k-12 more important than higher ed in Georgia? | Get Schooled

Is k-12 more important than higher ed in Georgia?

The folks at DOE may be breathing a little easier today, but that is probably not the case in the Regents offices. See the comments below on funding priorities made by Nathan Deal in an interview with the AJC’s Jim Galloway. (Read the full interview here):

In addition, the new governor’s “Hang in there” speech met with skepticism from posters here who work in school policy. (To RBN, we are looking at the budget and will have some thoughts soon.)

Here is a passage from Deal’s State of the State that raised a few eyebrows: “My budget will have a net increase of $30 million in formula funding and no reduction in Equalization