Monday, January 10, 2011

In Must We Trust | Mr. Teachbad's Blog of Teacher Disgruntlement

In Must We Trust | Mr. Teachbad's Blog of Teacher Disgruntlement

In Must We Trust

Sometimes I can’t quite put my finger on it…why my school is such a crappy place to work. But most of the time it’s easy.

Here is a relatively subtle example from just today. (By the way, none of my seniors knew what the word ‘subtle’ meant until six weeks ago. NONE.)

Every Monday morning we get the [Your School Name Here] Bulletin in our boxes and in email. It’s very small. One sheet of paper printed on front and back in black and white. I’m looking at it right now. Most of it is probably white space. Then there is a three-inch header, a couple of pictures, a couple of calendar sidebars, a quote in a box, and some short directives. In other words, they’s not many words.

So I’m reading this little rag in my room and I suddenly start to get agitated. And I don’t know why. I think about