Monday, January 24, 2011

For Immediate Release: Detroit Federation of Teachers Presidential Challenger Steve Conn Declares Victory, Demands New Election to Replace Fraudulent Vote Count |

For Immediate Release: Detroit Federation of Teachers Presidential Challenger Steve Conn Declares Victory, Demands New Election to Replace Fraudulent Vote Count |

For Immediate Release: Detroit Federation of Teachers Presidential Challenger Steve Conn Declares Victory, Demands New Election to Replace Fraudulent Vote Count

“This isn’t Florida, and the DFT is Not a George Bush Union,” Declared the Real Winner, Steve Conn

CONTACT: Steve Conn

(313) 645-9340

In a hotly contested runoff election for President of the Detroit Federation of Teachers, challenger Steve Conn of Defend Public Education/Save Our Students, (DPE) declared victory after the Election Committee refused to conduct a fair recount. The vote count separated Conn from incumbent Keith Johnson by only 41 votes, with as many as 700 votes uncounted. Dozens of ballots are missing, and teachers have signed affidavits stating that they voted and demand that their votes be counted.

“The DFT Election Committee rejected DPE’s demand for a hand count