Monday, January 17, 2011

Damn Good Education Daily

Damn Good Education Daily
Damn Good Education Daily - January 16, 2011 by tomwhitby As a blogger for only a year now, I have tried not to revisit topics and be repetitive. There are some things however, that need to be revisited at certain times of th...

tomwhitby - First, let's set the scene, or if you will, the justification used for the actions advocated by the "reformers" funded by the Billionaire Boys Club. At least since a Nation at Risk in 1983, the Am...

teacherken - The Washington area has many school districts. Each district has a school board, more or less. (The District’s board is going through a neutered phase.) Each school board has many members. Each mem...

alexanderrusso - About This Blog is the work of Angus Johnston, a historian and advocate of American student organizing.To contact Angus, click here. For information about bringing him out to yo...

studentactivism - “Revolution doesn’t happen when society adopts new technologies—it happens when society adopts new behaviors.” Clay Shirky, Here Comes EverybodyThis week for me, started off with attending an Royal...
