Monday, January 3, 2011

Damn Good Education Daily

Damn Good Education Daily
Damn Good Education Daily - Nick Kristof does it, as does Thomas Friedman. So in his own uncritical way does Arne Duncan. And so do the many other media alarmists who accept at face value Shanghai city schools’ recent PISA re...

leoniehaimson - 2011 is going to be tough going for public schools, public school teachers and teacher unions. From New Jersey to Illinois, Florida to California teachers will tell you it has never been this bad....

fklonsky - I put out a request, as I do every year, to readers to share the best education-related books that they had read over the past year. The books could have been published earlier and the only require...

Larryferlazzo - On January 1st, 2011, Arizona instituted a set of directives against certain segments of educational curricula in the state. This bill follows the already tenuous relationship between underrepresen...

TheJLV - Bloomberg:s state budget cuts lock students out of community-college classrooms or force them to stand in class, for-profit colleges are attracting hundreds of thousands of poor and minority studen...
