Saturday, January 22, 2011

Daily Kos: Half a year . . . .

Daily Kos: Half a year . . . .

Half a year . . . .

Yesterday was the end of 1st semester. Before I collapsed around 10:30 last night I had all my grades in (except for four students out the last two days whose grades I will update on Tuesday). We are now on a four-day weekend - teachers are on unpaid furlough for Monday. And now, maybe now, I have some time to look back and reflect.

I said I collapsed. I went to bed, and did not finally get up until 8:30 this morning. I am exhausted, and with one brief 10 minute break to get up and feed the cats at 5:20 so they would let me go back to sleep, I was out. I am still tired, even with a cup of coffee and some bagels behind me.

That level of exhaustion, and its causes, are li9ke a flashing red light - I now realize that I must seriously consider whether this should be my last year in the classroom. That is part of this morning's reflection as well.

I invite you to continue reading as I sort through thoughts and feelings from half a year in the classroom.