Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Clymer presses Philadelphia School District for answers | Philadelphia Inquirer | 01/18/2011

Clymer presses Philadelphia School District for answers | Philadelphia Inquirer | 01/18/2011

Clymer presses Philadelphia School District for answers

The chairman of the Pennsylvania House Education Committee has stepped up his efforts to get answers to questions about escalating problems in the Philadelphia School District.

State Rep. Paul I. Clymer (R., Bucks) sent letters Jan. 7 to Robert L. Archie Jr., chairman of the Philadelphia School Reform Commission, and to the four other commission members asking for answers to several "serious concerns." One, he said, is Superintendent Arlene C. Ackerman's Dec. 13 decision to suspend six whistle-blowers "who were trying to save taxpayers' money about controversial no-bid contracts."

Shana Kemp, a district spokeswoman, said on Monday that Archie planned to respond soon.

"We need to address these issues; they're very serious issues," Clymer said in an interview on Friday. "We're extending an olive branch, saying, 'Let's see if we can work together.' If we don't get a serious response, then we'll have to pursue other alternatives." He declined to elaborate on what those alternatives might be.

Clymer's letter is the most recent development stemming from The Inquirer's Nov. 28 disclosure that Ackerman

Read more: http://www.philly.com/inquirer/local/pa/20110118_Clymer_presses_Philadelphia_School_District_for_answers.html#ixzz1BOTKjGdU
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