Sunday, January 23, 2011

Assessing teacher evaluation system is wrong on several levels

Assessing teacher evaluation system is wrong on several levels

Assessing teacher evaluation system is wrong on several levels

Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, January 23, 2011; 6:08 PM

Say it isn't so, Mayor Gray.

Here's why I was so disappointed to read my colleague Bill Turque's report on a plan by D.C. schools officials to have the flawed IMPACT teacher evaluation system reviewed by a Harvard professor:

1) I was optimistic that Mayor Vincent C. Gray (D) was serious about fixing the problem when he said at a public forum recently that the evaluation system - instituted under former schools chancellor Michelle A. Rhee - was unfair to teachers.

He said, "I guess I would say at this stage . . . it's a step in the right direction, but it's got a long way to go to be a fair evaluation of our teachers. And, frankly, any system that isn't sensitive to the differences in challenges of the kids in the schools only encourage