Thursday, December 2, 2010

Where Can Teachers Find Collegiality Today? - Bridging Differences - Education Week

Where Can Teachers Find Collegiality Today? - Bridging Differences - Education Week

Where Can Teachers Find Collegiality Today?

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Dear Diane,

Sometimes the outrages of our wealthy fellow citizens stagger me, and I feel incoherent in face of the offenses they commit on a daily basis. It hurts most of all when I see decent people caught in the web—as victims or even winners. The events in New York City are shameful. Enjoy the fact that Bill Gates sees you as the worst of his adversaries. Still, we've got to stop agreeing so much!

It's a relief these days to shift from contemplating the ugly takeover of our public institutions by private wealth—at a time when these very same people have undermined the economy of the nation itself—to talk about what fascinated me for 45 years. It was not the politics of schooling.

A new book by Ryan Teves that just arrived in my mailbox is worth reading. Teves is a math and science secondary school teacher who now runs a tutoring service in Scott Valley, Calif. It's called In Defense of the American Teen and