Saturday, December 25, 2010

Waiting for Superrich-Man |

Waiting for Superrich-Man |

Waiting for Superrich-Man

Krisdog070400008  Waiting for Superrich Man

“So who’s the greedy one here? The unemployed, who have not failed to notice their unemployment check is larger than the paycheck they would get if they took a job? Or the rich, who want to take the money the government does not seize and put it into the economy where it will magically produce a job, for someone who will get off the couch and take it?”

Fox News commentator John Gibson, in the passage taken from his blog above, frames billionaires as superheroes, as those who will save us from this recession, who will – as we heard repeated ad nasuem in the last few weeks – create jobs for the unemployed, and kick start our economy by investing in America. They are the ones who take the risks, who have the insight, ingenuity, talent and discipline to make America exceptional, and thus, the billionaires will lead us to a better, more prosperous country for