Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Waiting for super money? Rhee’s got a brand new bag | Joe Sacramento

Waiting for super money? Rhee’s got a brand new bag | Joe Sacramento

Waiting for super money? Rhee’s got a brand new bag

By Citizen Joe Dec 6th, 2010 | No Reader comments yet

Michelle Rhee has launched a members only club purportedly designed to– you guessed it–put America’s children first. The goal of the club? To raise $1 BILLION. What will she do with $1B, you ask? Fund truancy programs, train parents how to be accountable, create mentor programs for families, partner with faith-based organizations, pro sports teams, and non profits, right? No, silly. She will spend it on “supporting reform-minded candidates.” In other words, she will create an army of zombie Rheebots, and at a day and hour of her choosing…

Supporting candidates. How original! Enterprising! American! If you can’t do the job yourself, pay someone else to do it. If you can’t persuade educators to get on board with your program, then rheech out to pay politicians and lawmakers to force it down their throats with legislation. Hoffa-esque!

Let’s rheehash Rhee’s formula: take from the rich, get people elected who agrhee with your politics, collect the rheeturn favor later. Tom DeLay would be proud. Well, maybe not. That strategy didn’t exactly turn out to well for him. In fact when he funneled