Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Value-added evaluations can be designed but can limitations be understood? | Thoughts on Public Education

Value-added evaluations can be designed but can limitations be understood? | Thoughts on Public Education

Educators to Brown: give us flexibility - by John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

Gov.-elect Jerry Brown warned educators at a forum at UCLA on Tuesday that they, along with everyone else, should brace for bad news (“Please sit down if you’re reading the stories on the budget on Jan. 10”) when he releases next year’s budget. Anticipating more cuts, school board members and superintendents asked in return for [...]

Value-added evaluations can be designed but can limitations be understood? - by Doug McRae

The notion of using student test scores for teacher evaluations has been a professional dilemma for me for many years. On the one hand, using student gains to evaluate teacher effectiveness, as in various “value added” schemes, seems to be a no-brainer, logical thing to do. On the other hand, implementing such schemes seems to violate [...]