Saturday, December 11, 2010

Teachers describe administrative failings at Dunbar

Teachers describe administrative failings at Dunbar

Teachers describe administrative failings at Dunbar

Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, December 11, 2010; 5:45 PM

Geometry teacher Jessica Lilly found the fliers on the walls when she arrived at Dunbar Senior High School early one morning last month. They included a photo of a female student, with her name, phone number and an obscene caption announcing that she was available for oral sex with boys and girls.


"Wanna be next?????"

"Holla at Me!!!!"

It was a vile piece of bullying. Lilly said that as far she knows, there was no response from Friends of Bedford, the team of private consultants who ran the school until they were removed by interim Chancellor Kaya Henderson on Wednesday. It was one of numerous incidents of harassment and violence that