Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Schrag Plan: Six Fixes for California Schools | NBC Los Angeles

The Schrag Plan: Six Fixes for California Schools | NBC Los Angeles

The Schrag Plan: Six Fixes for California Schools

The Schrag Plan: Six Fixes for California Schools
Getty Images

Writing at California Progress Report, the author Peter Schrag, who has forgotten more than I'll ever know aboutCalifornia, outlines six approaches that Gov.-elect Jerry Brown could take to improve and restore funding for the state's schools. Here they are:

*Extend the temporary tax increases – the boost in the vehicle license fee, the sales taxes and income taxes -- that were enacted in 2009 and will expire in 2011. Voters in 2009 rejected the equivalent of such an extension, but if the extension were earmarked for education, they might react differently. That’s not a good budgeting strategy, but it would be good for the schools.

*Restore fiscal authority to local districts, something that would simultaneously allow local voters to increase property taxes for schools and increase district responsibility in spending. It could also restore some interest and involvement from members of the business community and other local leaders in running for school board seats