Thursday, December 9, 2010

Schools Matter: Obama and Duncan Seem to Be the Only Folks Having Sputnik Moments

Schools Matter: Obama and Duncan Seem to Be the Only Folks Having Sputnik Moments

Obama and Duncan Seem to Be the Only Folks Having Sputnik Moments

Oh yes, China launched its first satellite in 2003, 46 years after Sputnik and Vanguard 1. From ABC News:

High Test Rankings Mask Underlying Problems
Chinese students made international headlines this week when Shanghai high school kidsoutscored their counterparts on PISA, an international standardized test. China came out on top and the U.S. was buried somewhere in the middle -- but it was no surprise to education experts or even to people familiar with China's progress as a global presence.

"The entire system is geared toward that one goal -- taking [a] test," said Yasheng Huang, a