Saturday, December 4, 2010

Schools Matter: NAACP to Make Wake County a Test Case for Ending Resegregation Efforts

Schools Matter: NAACP to Make Wake County a Test Case for Ending Resegregation Efforts

NAACP to Make Wake County a Test Case for Ending Resegregation Efforts

The next few months will be critical for the Gang of Five who are the pawns of the social antiquarians, neocons, and John Birchers who are behind the movement to kill socioeconomic integration and school diversity in Wake County.

Little John Tedesco and Co. are facing a federal civil rights investigation, a review by the Schools' accrediting body, and increasing pressure from the NAACP and other civil rights organizations. It is time to bring all available pressure to bear, from talking to walking to civil disobedience.

From the News-Observer:
NAACP officials capped their organization's