Monday, December 20, 2010

Schools Matter: Child Doping Goes to College

Schools Matter: Child Doping Goes to College

Child Doping Goes to College

Pressure cooker schools (see Race to Nowhere) and the doping of school children (see The War on Kids) is having a predictable but no less tragic outcome. As reported by the New York Times, suicide, depression, cutting, bulimia, and other manifestations of mental illness are approaching epidemic proportions on college campuses. Predictably, unnamed experts in the Times piece do not find the doping a children as the culprit but, rather, as allowing more troubled children to attend college:
Experts say the trend is partly linked to effective psychotropic drugs (Wellbutrin for depression, Adderall for attention disorder, Abilify for bipolar disorder) that have allowed students to attend college who otherwise might not have functioned in a campus setting.
Big Pharma to the rescue for problems that child doping initiated, going back to the Ritalin in elementary school. I suggested to the Times reporter in an email that he read some of the work by Dr. Peter Breggin to get