Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Queens Teacher: Gates Wants Revolving Door of Educators

Queens Teacher: Gates Wants Revolving Door of Educators

Gates Wants Revolving Door of Educators

Found a great comment that summarizes how Gates' ideas are negatively affecting our educators.

As long as mega wealthy business folk like Gates, Bloomberg, Broad... try to "dictate" education policy, there are very few principals or teachers who are going to stay in education whether in charters or public schools!

The very reasons that administrators and teachers get into the profession and stay in it is being taken away by those in the business world who are arrogant, power hungry and feel that THEY KNOW IT ALL. If they DID KNOW IT ALL, principals and teachers would now be delighting at success.

This collecting of tomes and tomes of data on students (and now teachers too) is nothing short of "theater of the