Friday, December 31, 2010

Public Policy Blogger: Before it's too late: Fifteen reasons why we should emulate Finland's public education system

Public Policy Blogger: Before it's too late: Fifteen reasons why we should emulate Finland's public education system

Before it's too late: Fifteen reasons why we should emulate Finland's public education system

Referring to Finland, TeacherKen hit the nail on the head with his December 27th post on the Education Policy Blog- Imagine a Nation with Excellent Schools (it links to an article written by Pasi Sahlberg that appeared recently in the Boston Globe)

~It's worth repeating 14 other interviews and essays that describe Finland's success. We should follow their example before it's too late. ~For the complete education of our children, the integrity and strength of the teaching profession and the long-term strength of our society and economy.

Hechinger Report Interview with Finland's Dr. Pasi Sahlberg, Director General of the Centre for International Mobility and Cooperation in Finland’s Ministry of Education and Culture.

Linda Darling-Hammond on Finland's Success

Talking about not learning from Finland (Shanker Blog)