Thursday, December 2, 2010

New D.C. teachers union chief says he'll be more aggressive

New D.C. teachers union chief says he'll be more aggressive

New D.C. teachers union chief says he'll be more aggressive

Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, December 1, 2010; 10:56 PM

The new president of the Washington Teachers' Union said Wednesday that he would cooperate with D.C. school officials in implementing the labor contract he vehemently opposed last spring. But Nathan Saunders also said he would be far more aggressive than his predecessor in ensuring that teachers' voices are heard when policy gets made.

"Where the contract requires collaboration, I absolutely will collaborate. Collaboration didn't become a bad word when I got elected," said Saunders, in an interview shortly before his formal installation ceremony at the American Federation of Teachers office on Capitol Hill.

Saunders, the former union general vice president, unseated incumbent George Parker in a runoff election Tuesday after a campaign in which he said Parker had failed to take a hard enough line in